Wedmore Tennis Club Regulations
(Updated February 2018)
1. Child Protection
The Club’s Child Protection policy has the approval of the LTA.
There is a designated Safeguarding Officer, please see Notice Board for details.
2. Committee
The Club is administered by a Committee, which meets on a regular basis. Recent Minutes are available by emailing the Club Secretary, and are displayed in a pink folder in the Clubhouse. The Committee welcomes suggestions – by email [email protected] or directly to a Committee Member.
3. Clubhouse
Electrical Equipment. No one shall interfere with the electrical installations or electrical equipment in the Clubhouse without the authority of a member of the Committee.
Notice Boards. Members of the Committee have responsibility for various sections of the Notice Boards. Members wishing to place notices in the Clubhouse may use the board only with Committee approval. Notices placed elsewhere shall be liable to be removed.
Good Housekeeping. Members using Club glasses, crockery or cutlery should wash, dry and return those items to the appropriate cupboard or drawer before leaving the Club. Towels and drying up cloths are changed on a regular basis.
Faults and Suggestions. Any faults, or suggestions for improving the Clubhouse, shall be reported to a member of the Committee or [email protected]
Club Property. No one may remove Club property from the Club premises without the permission of a Committee member. Members are responsible for the repair or replacement of any damage done to Club property, either by themselves or their guests. The Committee shall determine the method and cost of restoring such damage.
Wifi. Wifi is available in the clubhouse and the code is on the Notice Board.
Floodlights. Floodlights, when required, shall be switched on only for the court(s) in use. They are run by tokens, which are located in the Clubhouse. Please ensure that they are turned off, when no longer required for play, by using the red button on the coin control box in the Clubhouse. Any faults concerning the floodlights are to be reported to a member of the Committee or email [email protected]
Keys. One key shall be issued to Members for the padlock for the outer gate and another for the Clubhouse door – at £5 deposit per key. These keys are for Members’ personal use only and shall remain the property of the Club. Lost keys shall be reported to the Treasurer. Keys are to be surrendered to the Treasurer when membership lapses. A key for the Clubhouse is kept in the left hand shed, and can be opened using the same padlock key. Please return this key to the shed after use.
Lost Property. Private property left on the Club premises for more than 28 days shall be liable to be removed, disposed of or sold. It can be located in the slatted box in the Clubhouse.
4. Club Sessions
Monday Evenings – Men’s practice night from 6.30pm
Tuesday Evenings – Ladies’ practice night from 6.30pm
Wednesday Evenings – All welcome from 6.30pm
Thursday Evenings – All welcome from 6.30pm
Friday Evenings – Junior Social Night – 6pm – 8pm (see Coaching Notice Board for details)
Saturday Afternoons – All welcome from 1pm
Sunday Afternoons – Family Tennis 2pm – 4pm
During Club Play sessions Members shall play one short set of doubles at a time. Members will make up fours for their first set in order of arrival. Thereafter, unless by full agreement, the draw of cards shall determine the combinations.
If there are others waiting to play, those playing Singles can play for 1 hour, and Doubles Players for 1 hour 30 minutes.
Summer League matches replace play on most Monday and Tuesday evenings from late April to mid July each year. Winter League and Veteran’s matches run from October to March, on some Sunday and Wednesday mornings respectively.
See the Clubhouse Notice Board for details.
5. Provision of balls
At present balls are provided for use at the Club. In the event of wet weather please leave the balls in the heater cage to ensure that they dry out.
Tennis balls for use by Junior Members shall be stored in the basket in the Clubhouse.
Except for coaching no more than four tennis balls shall be taken onto a court at one time.
All tennis balls taken for play shall be returned to the Clubhouse after play.
The Committee shall delegate the replacement of tennis balls in use to the Ball Monitor.
6. Matches
External (County, Open, Junior Matchplay etc) Matches and Tournaments. Such events shall be arranged only by agreement of the Committee. Advance notice of court reservations will be given on the Clubhouse Notice Board.
Club League Matches
Match fees: a charge of £2 per player per match will be levied to all members selected.
Summer League Matches. Held generally Monday and Tuesday evenings from 6.30pm from late April to mid July annually. Rearranged matches following postponement may be scheduled by Match Captains at short notice at other times.
Winter League Matches. Generally from 10.00am on Sundays from mid October to mid March each winter. Matches may occasionally be scheduled at other times, e.g. Sunday afternoons, see Clubhouse Notice Board. Rearranged matches following postponement may be scheduled by Match Captains at short notice at other times.
Midweek Veterans’ League Matches. Generally from 10.00am on certain weekdays from October to March each year – see Clubhouse Notice Board.
Club Friendly Matches. These events shall be arranged only by agreement of the Committee. Notice of infrequent court reservations for these matches will be given on the Clubhouse Notice Board.
During matches the fifth court, if free, may be used by Members. However, at his/her discretion, the Match Captain can stop non-match play if in her/her opinion this play is causing a nuisance to the match players.
Court bookings: – court ‘bookings’ may be made in advance on the Clubhouse Notice Board for Club Championship Matches. However, where possible Members shall arrange matches at times when they least inconvenience other Members. The Committee can block book courts for tournaments and matches.
7. Coaching
The Club has an agreement with a qualified tennis coach (Craig Phillips – mobile 07546 230 727, email: [email protected]) to make both individual and group coaching available to Members and to non-members.
See Court timetable and Coaching Schedule on the website and on the Clubhouse Notice Board, for details of Coach’s court priorities.
8. Visitors/Prospective Members
are welcome to play at the Club and should pay £3 per session (£5 per couple) in the box by Court 1. A maximum of 3 visits in any one year is permitted, after which visitors may be expected to join the Club. Visitor fees are not deductible from the annual subscription payable.
9. Named Parent Category
This category is for a parent who only wishes to play with their child, and is not a full membership category. Named Parent members must pay a Visitor’s fee if they play with anyone other than their child. This category of membership has no voting rights at Club meetings and the Named Parent has the same court priorities as Junior Members.
10. Courts
As a general rule the nets shall not be lowered after play. Any faults concerning the courts are to be reported to a member of the Committee. Any match official or member of the Committee shall have the right to stop or prevent play on any Club court if he considers it to be unfit for use.
11. Dress
All players shall wear regulation tennis shoes that do not damage or mark the courts and shall wear appropriate tennis clothing.
12. Emergencies
Fire. Evacuate the courts and the Clubhouse, abandoning property in favour of saving lives
Assemble outside the outer gate of the Club in the Car Park.
Check and search for anyone known to be missing
Seek assistance from those nearby, and summon the Fire Brigade by mobile phone.
Injury/First Aid. In the event of an injury or sudden illness to anyone at the Club:
A First Aid box and First Aid book for the treatment of minor injuries are kept in the Clubhouse
For the treatment of serious injuries and illness, summon an ambulance by mobile phone
Report the incident immediately to a Committee member.
A defibrillator is located in the front of the cricket pavilion.
Reporting of Incidents. Any accident must be recorded in the Accident Book kept in the Clubhouse.
Any unusual incident or emergency situation is to be reported immediately to a member of the Committee.
13. Security and Locking up
The last Member to vacate the Clubhouse shall be responsible for locking up.
Locking up consists of the following actions:
Retrieving all tennis balls from the courts and surrounds and placing them in the heater cage
Placing Junior Members’ tennis balls in the container
Switching off all the floodlights
Checking the security light switch is on
Turning off running water in the changing rooms and kitchen
Turning off electrical appliances, heaters etc
Closing the windows throughout the Clubhouse
Switching off other lights in the Clubhouse
Locking the Clubhouse door – a key to the Clubhouse is kept in the left hand shed and should be returned there after use, and the shed locked.
Locking the outside gate.
Any incident involving security is to be reported as soon as possible to a member of the Committee, or email [email protected]
14. Smoking
The entire Club premises shall be a No Smoking and No Chewing Gum area.
15. Club Constitution.
A copy of the Club Constitution is displayed in the pink folder in the Clubhouse and on the Website.
16. Code of Practice and Court Etiquette.
A full Code of Practice and Court Etiquette is available to view on our Club website: