Welcome to Wedmore Tennis Club
Wedmore Tennis Club warmly welcomes players of all ages and levels of proficiency. With currently 260 members who play competitively, socially, to develop fitness or just to have fun, we are a lively family-oriented club run by a committee of enthusiastic volunteers. We are LTA Tennismark accredited and an LTA registered ‘Place to Play’.

Wedmore Tennis Club was founded in 1905-6 in a field near Wedmore Village Hall. In 1911 it relocated to the Sports Field land which had been left to the Village by a Miss White.
Two wired-in grass courts were constructed in the south east corner of the field. The field was used also by Cricket, Football and Hockey teams and a Bowls green was created in 1919.
Two hard courts were laid around 1967 together with the construction of a small wooden open hut which served as a clubhouse. During the 1980’s a third court was laid and floodlights – the first in the area – were erected on two of the courts. Synthetic Grass WA laid on the three courts in 2008.
Generous grants and club’s funds financed the move to the clubs current location during the spring of 2015, whilst the original courts were donated to the village to be used as a MUGA facility and as a multi purpose area for the First School.
On the 9th May 2015 approximately 150 members and guests gathered to celebrate the official opening of the new courts and clubhouse. Highlights of the day included a specially made ribbon being cut by our youngest member accompanied by the clubs two eldest members, the serving of a delicious cream tea, a demonstration of junior drills organised by our coaching team and an impressive exhibition match.

From left to right: Club dinner at Shepton Mallet 1970’s, Men’s doubles 1980’s, and the opening of our new courts in May 2015.
WEDMORE TENNIS CLUB is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the well-being of all its members.
WEDMORE TENNIS CLUB believes that it is important that members, coaches, administrators and parents/guardians should, at all times, show respect and understanding for the safety and welfare of others.
Therefore, members are encouraged to be open at all times and to share any concerns or complaints that they may have with
Karen Larsen, Welfare Officer, Wedmore Tennis Club
Email [email protected] Phone 07515532808
As a member of WEDMORE TENNIS CLUB you are expected to abide by the following code of practice:
ALL Members
All members must play within the rules and respect officials and their decisions
All members must respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants regardless of age, gender, ability, race, cultural background, religious beliefs or sexual identity
Members should keep to agreed timings for training and competitions, or inform their coach or team captain if they are going to be late
Members must wear suitable kit for training and match sessions, as agreed with the coach
Members must pay any fees for training or events promptly
Members are not allowed to smoke on the premises or whilst representing their team at competitions
Junior members are not allowed to consume alcohol or drugs of any kind on the premises or whilst representing their team
Encourage your child to learn the rules of tennis and play within them
Discourage unfair play and arguing with officials
Help your child to recognise good performance, not just results
Never force your child to take part in sport
Set a good example by recognising fair play and applauding the good performances of all
Never punish or belittle a child for losing or making mistakes
Publicly accept judgements made by officials
Support your child’s involvement and help them to enjoy their sport
Use correct and proper language at all times
Be patient – steady progression is unusual in children; peaks and plateaus are common
Your first question following any match should be: “Did you enjoy it?”
Wedmore Tennis Club
Code of Practice for Working with Young People
Children and young people are able to play tennis because of the thousands of adults, both paid and unpaid, who provide opportunities for them to do so. All of these adults have special responsibilities to the children they work with. Those working with children in tennis should:
- Be professional and maintain the highest standards of personal behaviour at all times
- Recognise the trust placed in adults by children, and recognise the power held over children by adults. Treat this trust and this power with the highest responsibility.
- Try to work in an open and accountable manner at all times. Work in view of others wherever possible, be wary of working alone and unobserved, and be willing to accept questions or criticism regarding good practice.
- Expect others to work in an open and accountable manner. Question and criticise the practice of others if necessary.
- Be mindful of the need to provide safe environments for all children, regardless of age, gender, disability, race, religion, ethnicity, social status or sexuality. Remember that some children are particularly vulnerable because of their identity and will find it hard to ask for help or to voice concerns.
- Maintain a professional relationship with children. Any form of sexual relationship or activity with a child is unlawful and unacceptable and could lead to disciplinary or legal action.
- Not be under the influence of drink, drug or any substance.
- Use appropriate and respectful forms of discipline and communication. Physical aggression, intimidation, verbal abuse or persistent shouting are unacceptable. Any form of assault (eg. hitting, kicking, pinching, slapping) should be regarded as a serious incident.
- Use appropriate language. Don’t swear, and never make sexual or suggestive comments to a child. If a child makes comments like these, be prepared to enforce these boundaries in your response.
- Not appear to favour one child or show interest in one child more than another.
- Not discriminate against a child because of their age, gender, disability, culture, language, racial origin, religious belief or sexual identity.
- Ensure that young people of all abilities and backgrounds are included throughout the tennis programme. Where required coaches should adopt inclusive coaching methods. Consultation and dialogue with the player(s) or their guardian/carer where required will support this process.
- Use physical contact with players only where necessary. If contact is necessary, (eg for purposes of coaching or first-aid), then explain to the player what the contact is for, and change your approach if he or she appears uncomfortable.
- Design and use training methods and training programmes which are appropriate to the individual player.
- Be aware of situations that could be misunderstood or manipulated by other adults. For example, if a coach or official is alone with a child in a clubhouse, changing room or car, he or she may be vulnerable to allegations of misconduct.
- Be vigilant and aware of how actions can be misinterpreted by children. Remember:
a. Actions made with good intentions can seem intrusive or intimidating to some children.
b. Some children may be attracted to the adults working with them.
c. Adults should be aware of the impact of their actions, and should sensitively address any misunderstanding.
If a concern about a child’s welfare comes to your attention:
17. Take seriously any suspicion or allegation of abuse, or any disclosure of concern made by a child.
- Record information, including relevant details. Be sure to record opinions or feelings as such; do not record them as facts. Do not question or interview the people involved in the incident of concern.
- Do not promise confidentiality. Be honest and tell the child that you may need to pass on the concern.
- Report any concerns within the area of Child Protection (physical, emotional or sexual abuse, neglect or bullying), in confidence and without delay, to the Club, County or LTA Child Protection Officer or safeguarding teams. If these cannot be contacted and there is an immediate risk, contact the Police or the local social services.
- Never discuss an allegation or suspicion with another person, (other than the Police or social services), before receiving advice from your CPO or from the LTA Safeguarding Team. Remember that it is the responsibility of all adults to safeguard children in sport. By recognising, following and discussing the principles behind this code, you are helping to make bad practice and abuse unwelcome in tennis.
Where this code has been breached, the LTA will always try to take action to address the situation, including formal Child Protection or Disciplinary action where appropriate. We also encourage other organisations to do the same.
For more information on issues like these, go to www.lta.org.uk/childprotection or contact the department directly using the details below:
LTA Safeguarding – T: 0208 487 7116/7056, E: [email protected] W: www.LTA.org.uk/childprotection
Wedmore Tennis Club is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the well-being of all its members. The club believes that it is important that members, coaches, administrators and parents/guardians associated with the club should, at all times, show respect and understanding for the safety and welfare of others. Therefore, members are encouraged to be open at all times and to share any concerns or complaints that they may have about any aspect of the club with:
David Evans at [email protected]
As a parent or guardian of a young member of Wedmore Tennis Club, please help us abide by the following code of practice:
• Encourage your child to learn the rules of tennis and play within them.
• Discourage unfair play and arguing with officials.
• Help your child to recognise good performance, not just results.
• Never force your child to take part in sport.
• Set a good example by recognising fair play and applauding the good performances of all.
• Never punish or belittle a child for losing or making mistakes.
• Publicly accept judgements made by officials.
• Support your child’s involvement and help them to enjoy their sport.
• Use correct and proper language at all times.
• Allow your child to play in the Mini Tennis colour stage that is appropriate to them. This will ensure they enjoy playing the game, develop their skills and gain confidence.
• Purchase balls and rackets that match the stage your child is in.
• Be patient. Steady progression is unusual in children; peaks and plateaus are common.
• At no stage should you communicate with your child or interfere with the on-court helpers and referees during a match.
● Talk quietly if you are near courts that are in use
● Do not walk behind a court during an active point. Move quickly when able
● Spin to determine who serves first
● Balls from another court should be rolled to the back of the court and not to the player unless requested to do so
● Pick up your balls from your court and return them politely to the person serving within your court
● Do not criticise your partner or opponent but offer encouragement instead
● Call out line calls clearly and if not sure, play a let
● In doubles, both receivers should agree on a line call, if not sure play a let
● Always respect the line calls of your opponent as he/she is nearest to the ball and line
● Each side should keep score – if either is not sure, go back to the point where both sides agree
● Do not argue with your partner or opponent and always be pleasant on court
● Do not deliberately hit a ball at an opponent
● Apologise if your ball hits the top of the net and falls to win the point
The LTA and Wedmore Tennis Club are committed to ensuring that tennis is played in a fair, open and inclusive nature at all levels.
Below are some of the core values of fair play for you to consider when on the court and playing tennis.
- Respect other players, parents and officials at all times.
- Learn and follow the rules.
- Call the score and lines clearly.
- Enjoy playing tennis. Be a good sport whether you win or lose.
- Talk quietly and don’t cross other courts when they are in use.
Also, for your comfort and safety.
- Wear suitable kit and footwear when on court.
- Ensure you have a suitable drink with you on court when playing matches.
- Do not chew gum on court.
- Make sure your coach is informed of any medical conditions such as asthma, diabetes
Wedmore Tennis Club Child Protection Policy
The aim of this policy is to ensure that everyone is treated fairly and with respect and members, non members and visiting place to plays and teams are not denied access to Wedmore Tennis Club because of a discriminatory reason.
This policy is fully supported by the Wedmore Tennis Club management committee, which is responsible for the implementation and review of this policy.
Wedmore Tennis Club will therefore:
- aim to create an enjoyable environment for all juniors who wish to take part in tennis or other sport and social activities
- believe that children and young people have the right to be safe, secure and free from threat
- believe that young people have the right to be treated with respect, and to have their concerns listened to and acted upon
- ensure that the needs of junior members are provided for through specific programmes, designated facilities, and safe practice
- have procedures in place to address poor practice, and to help any young person who appears to be at risk, or who appears to be the victim of abuse
- offer help and support when a child or young person tells us that they are affected by these issues
- take steps to ensure that any volunteers or professionals working with children are suitable to do so, through the use of references and background checks
- ensure that all relevant people have been vetted and approved through the LTA’s Criminal Record Bureau disclosure process
- ensure that all of those working with children are made aware of the LTA code of conduct for people working with children in tennis, and are required to follow it
The Club has an adult member who is specifically responsible for children, young people and child protection:
Wedmore Tennis Club Welfare Officer, please see
LTA Child Protection T: 0208 487 7008/7116 M (24 hour): 07971 141 024 E: [email protected] www.LTA.org.uk/childprotection
A player may only represent one club in a season and must be a fully paid up member of Wedmore Tennis Club for that season, not temporary or visitors. Any match involving an ineligible player shall be forfeited 6-0 6-0 and the match points adjusted accordingly.
Team selection is based on a combination of a player’s performance level, player availability, attendance at league practice, partnership suitability and conduct on court. Ladies/Men’s Captains have the ultimate say over weekly team selection, and players are expected to move teams if requested by the Ladies/Men’s Captains, to help with overall team performance.
All teams are expected to be courteous and friendly to their opponents at all times, and to act in a sporting manner, according to the club’s Code of Conduct. The home team is expected to provide and offer refreshments to visiting teams between rubbers and after matches.
Summer League matches start at 6.30 p.m. and play may not continue after 11pm for home matches. Winter League start time is by arrangement. If a pair is not ready 30 minutes after a scheduled start, they shall lose the first rubber, the score being 6-0, 6-0. If a team can only provide one pair (or three players in the Winter League), then they play and concede the first two rubbers 6-0, 6-0, this preferably with prior notification to the other club, and only on a maximum of two occasions. If the second pair has not arrived and is ready to play by 8.00 pm. (Summer) or 90 minutes after the scheduled start time (Winter), the second rubber will be conceded.
PAIRS 1 and 2
Pair 1 is generally the stronger pair and Pair 2 generally the weaker. The home team switches court between the two rubbers, the away team stays on the same court. Make sure you write all Pairs down on the match card before you start, so it is clear who is Pair 1 and Pair 2 from each team, from the outset.
Rubbers are the best of three sets, with standard L.T.A Tie Break in operation in all three sets at 6 all. A Championship Tie Break i.e. the first to 10 points with a margin of 2 points may only be played instead of the third set of the second round of rubbers, and only with the agreement of both captains. The score is recorded as 1 set (1 game to 0). This is only intended to help complete a match, if floodlights are about to be cut off due to time, or adverse weather conditions.
Both captains should agree at the start of the second rubber whether a Championship Tie Break will be played in the 3rd set or not. As a general rule, it is better to opt to play the third set if possible, (even if this means coming back to complete the match at a later date) because more games can be won from a set than a Championship Tie Break, and this might help in your overall league position at the end of the season.
Scoring – 1 point per set – 2 points per match. If a match is level on rubbers, the winners will be the team with most sets. If level on sets, the team with most games. If still level, the match points are split one to each team.
Matches can be postponed only because of bad weather conditions or because the courts are unfit to play. Postponed matches must be played within 14 days of the original fixture at the convenience of the home club. The home club offers two dates, these dates to be on different days of the week. This applies to all subsequent postponements. A new date for a postponed Winter League match should be fixed, although not necessarily played, within 14 days of the original fixture and the League Secretary notified. If a club cannot field a side on an agreed date, the match is forfeited 10-0. The home club should send in a Result Card in the normal way, recording that the match was conceded or a walkover. All Winter League matches should be completed by 31st March. Clubs should aim to play five matches by 31st December.
In the event of abandoning a match, the match continues at the point of abandonment. The same pairs need not be used. No player may take part in more than two rubbers in any one match or play against the same opponent in more than one rubber. The abandoned match must be rearranged and played within 14 days, the home side should offer two dates. This applies to all subsequent postponements.
The Home Captain is the sole judge of the fitness of the courts. In the event of an appeal against bad weather or light when a match is in progress, the Home Captain is the sole judge.
Players who have represented their clubs three times in a higher team may not subsequently play in a lower team that season. Any rubber involved with an ineligible player will be forfeited 6-0,6-0 and the match points adjusted accordingly. If the rubber is lost the club will be deducted two points.
Higher prefix teams take priority over lower ones. If a club concedes, or fields an incomplete team, when lower prefix teams play, the team conceding will be withdrawn from the league and all its results to that date will be deleted. However, any team that concedes a match during the season, without just cause, will be removed from the League.
The Home Captain should complete the Match Card and make sure Home and Away Captains sign it. The completed Match Card should then be posted through David Pottow’s letterbox – Bennelong House, Plud Street, Wedmore BS28 4BH. Match results should be notified to the Ladies/Mens Captain after the game.
8 new balls provided per match.
Captains should dry the balls after the match, if necessary, and either return to the Ladies/Men’s Captain, or leave in the ball cupboard in the Clubhouse.
The captain collects £2 match fee per player per match. Match fees to be passed on to the Ladies/Men’s Captain at the end of the season.
When all home courts are full, the lowest team will use Tony’s court for two rubbers. The team captain decides which pair will start on Tony’s court. If light fails, the second rubber may be completed at the home courts, subject to availability. Please remember to take refreshments up to Tony’s court, so you can host your opponents between rubbers.
A First Aid Kit is located in the Clubhouse, and there is a Travel First Aid Kit at Tony’s court, in his clubhouse, if required.
We abide by LTA regulations and have LTA insurance. We follow LTA guidelines on Health and Safety.
For more information please follow this link to the LTA.